With over twelve thousand bridges, many Floridians use this mode of transportation regularly. While some may not think twice before using a bridge, others are incredibly unnerved by the idea. However, this fear is not unfounded, as collisions on bridges can be incredibly dangerous. As such, if you’ve been injured in a bridge accident, understanding the steps you must take to recover the compensation you deserve is critical. Keep reading to learn more about these collisions and why you must connect with an experienced Pasco County, FL car accident lawyer to explore your legal options.
Why Are Bridges Dangerous?
Though essential to transportation, bridges can be dangerous because of their narrow lanes. In many instances, this is a primary factor for collisions. For example, if you are driving across a bridge and notice a hazard on the road ahead or another vehicle, you may not have space to navigate around the hazard, leading to a collision. Unfortunately, this can result in a chain reaction of crashes, as other vehicles may experience the same problem.
Additionally, because the roadways are so narrow, you may be pushed into the barriers meant to stop vehicles from going over the side of the bridge. Whether you are in an accident or another driver veers into your lane leaving you with no other options, this can result in a severe injury as you may be stuck between the car and the barrier.
Though rare, it is important to understand that structural issues with bridges can lead to an accident. Though many bridges are regularly assessed and maintained, incidents can happen in which a bridge suffers structural issues. As a result, you may be involved in an accident if the surface of the road is compromised or in severe instances in which there is a full or partial collapse.
What Should I Do if I’m Involved in a Bridge Accident?
Being involved in an accident on a bridge can be scary and feel isolating. However, the most important thing you can do is connect with the police. When they arrive on the scene, they will help direct traffic to keep you safe while conducting a preliminary investigation of the accident. Additionally, if you need medical treatment, first responders can provide you with the care you need.
You should also connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible to explore your legal options. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the crash, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the damages you’ve suffered.
When you are hurt due to the negligence of another party, the Law Offices of Matthew J. Jowanna is ready to assist. We understand how complex these matters can be, especially when healing from the injuries inflicted at the hands of another party. Connect with us today to learn how we can fight for you.